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League splits are cumulative totals for all teams; see average splits for a per-team breakdown.

Splits by Location

Splits by Location Table
Rushing Passing
Location #Pl ToGo Yds Att Yds Y/A TD 1D Cmp Att Cmp% Yds Y/A TD Int Sk 1D Rate ANY/A
Home141058.585.036165236013.819014004271735458.1500416.8293234468244278.95.8All Home 1994 plays
Away143408.614.886164221353.613913214388761557.6504516.6283225466246677.85.7All Away 1994 plays

Splits by Quarter

Splits by Down

Splits by Yards to Go

Splits by Down & Yards to Go

Splits by Field Position

Splits by Score Differential

Splits by Game Situation

Splits by Snap Type & Huddle